新加坡国立大学计算机系Phd申请12.15截至(详情请见SoC官方主页),欢迎有兴趣的同学申请!NUS SoC环境优美,教育质量优秀,新晋教职人员水平非常高!(大家可以参考NUS的尤洋老师在知乎的回答)
另外欢迎对计算机安全感兴趣的明年准备申请的大三同学联系NUS的Prateek Saxena老师!Prateek Saxena老师学术水平很高(Google Scholar引用量12301 ),而且博士生的毕业出路都很好。欢迎大家联系!
Looking to work with us? We are looking for very independent PhD students, interns, and postdoctoral fellows for our ongoing research. Please send me an email with your CV, if interested. A strong background in math / statistics, PL / verification, security, or large systems-building is necessary for our research. We welcome candidates who will commit 9+ months on focussed research at the outset, and generally unable to respond to requests otherwise.