给老师发的招生帖子,研究方向包括机器学习/深度学习理论,电网等等,近期有多篇论文发表在Neurips, ICML, ICLR等等顶会,组内科研经费充足,氛围轻松,老师人很nice。感兴趣的同学欢迎微信联系Li-Hongkang
Dr. Meng Wang is looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students with a strong mathematical background to join her research group in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Fall 2023. Her research interests include artificial intelligence and machine learning, optimization and signal processing, and power system monitoring. You can find more information at http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~wang/.
Founded in 1824, RPI is one of the oldest engineering schools in the U.S. (http://www.rpi.edu/about/video/index.html). RPI is a private research university located in Troy, NY. It is about three hours driving distance to New York City, Boston, and Montreal, and at the gateway to the Adirondack State Park. RPI ranks 25 in Best Undergraduate Computer Engineering, 26 in Best Undergraduate Electrical Engineering, and 43 in Best Graduate Engineering Schools by U.S. News 2023.