Shuai Zhang, 博士毕业于伦斯勒理工学院(RPI), 本科毕业于中国科学技术大学(USTC), 于2023年秋季加入新泽西理工学院(NJIT)数据科学系担任助理教授。他的研究目标主要在于theoretical foundations of AI和design of principled and efficient learning algorithms,以实现更好,更安全和更高效的AI learning systems。目前的兴趣在于大模型中的迁移学习(parameter-efficient transfer learning)和稀疏学习(sparse learning)。他与IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center和MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab有过深入的合作经历。他作为第一作者在多个著名ML/AI/信号处理期刊会议 ( ICML / ICLR / NeurIPS/ TSP / TNNLS )发表论文。
- 导师主页:https://inchs708.github.io/shuaizhang.github.io/index.html
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RvDk-iwAAAAJ&hl=en
- Learning Theory: generalization ability of deep learning model & algorithms.
- Non-convex Optimization: convergence analysis of training emerging neural networks, convergence analysis of other non-convex machine learning problems.
- Parameter-efficient Transfer Learning: focusing on both the theoretical foundations and algorithm design of parameter-efficient transfer learning approach, especially in the applications involved foundation models (Large Language Models).
- Deep Reinforcement Learning: Transfer learning and RL from human feedback
- Graph Neural Network: graph sampling & sparsification in GNN learning.
- Spatial-temporal Data Analysis.
- 2-3名博士生,全额奖学金(TA/RA, 含学费、保险和生活补助)
- 希望申请的同学对ML/AI相关的非凸优化问题和快速算法设计或者对数学有着强烈的兴趣。 具有良好的数学基础,编程能力和沟通能力。CS/EE/Math/Stat等本科及其以上学历。
- 邮箱: sz457@njit.edu , 标注主题(PhD Application with {your name})
- 请附上你的cv和成绩单,以及一小段自我介绍及研究兴趣